Accueil > Environment > Call to the volunteers to reply to the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico – Deepwater Horizon Response

Call to the volunteers to reply to the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico – Deepwater Horizon Response


The consequences of the explosion, arising April 20, 2010 on the platform of drilling Deepwater Horizon in the Golf of Mexico, will have done 11 death, injured and induced the collapse of the platform (April 22 2010), followed by a rupture of the well of drilling to three levels and of an uncontrollable oil spill for the time being, who mobilize today about 7,000 persons, of which 2,500 volunteers…



clip_image005The box foreseen to master temporarily the considerable escape of hydrocarbon, who since Friday mobilizes all the attention and does to weigh an unthinkable anxiety on all the participants on the places of the disaster, presented, in the depths (to 1,500 meters), in his internal surface some formations of icelike hydrates.

Now, a such accumulation of crystals in the funnel of the box seem to suffice to provoke an explosion and to worsen the position, what’s more to jeopardize the life of hero that attempt the impossible one in the abyssal plains… This first attempt of salvage is therefore temporarily suspended… to follow……

This ecological catastrophe is the fruit of the human negligence to the profit of the gain, but she is not unfortunately an isolated case… far of there… Others exploiters of oil resources (as Total with the oil tanker, or rather the wreck Erika, who remained functional until its shipwreck and its heavy consequences on the Breton coasts) or of gas resources (the company Lapindo Brantas with the mud volcano on the island of Java) have, well before BP, neglected the security always for a history of maximum profits… with a devastating impact again very active on the environment with regards to the mud volcano.

Even if BP and Transocean made an unforgivable and inadmissible mistake in the exploitation of Deepwater Horizon (let us hope that the investigation in course results alongside set it up of a law applicable STRICTER to the international scale), the hour is now to the protection of the water environment, the earthly environment of the coastal threatened and their associated ecosystem, on considerable surfaces.

clip_image007Considerable means are deployed by the American government, to the expense of BP, (and Transocean), with the support of the EPA, NOAA and the admirable intervention of the Coast-Guards, US Air Force, local fishermen and alongside all the others volunteer… These means of safe’s America is to the picture of United-States (immense with an incomparable logistical), who inspire the confidence…

This is the reason why, I invite you all to rejoin Deepwater Horizon Response on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and You Tube… for following the evolution of the position in new, photos and videos …

Deepwater Horizon Response on Facebook

Deepwater Horizon Response on Flickr

Oil_Spill_2010 – Deepwater Horizon Response on Twitter

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on You Tube

Recent Updates for Deepwater Horizon Response – Blog

Below, you will find their official website:

Deepwater Horizon Response website – Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response

National Response Center – Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

And at last, I call for common solidarity: for all those that think to be able to bring their assistance, of all the manners that this is, you will find, through below the official links, all coordinated them necessary, and the responses to all your questions… The eventual commentaries under this post will not be exploited, then, don’t hesitate to intervene, while sharing your opinions, to help on the spot or from afar, through the coordinated official below:

FAQ’s – Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response

Volunteering – I want to volunteer. Who should I contact?

Alternative technology, services or products – I have a technology, service, or idea to provide. How can I do that?

Thank you to the American government and to activates presence of the EPA for set it up and the check of the evolution of this salvage that we hope will find it a favorable quickly exits …

Deepwater Horizon Response from the White House

EPA’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill response

I would have wished that the French government implies himself actively on the shipwreck of the Erika, but it was not thus… and for the Grenelle of the environment 2, this is a shame, this is no longer ecology… Can we hope a day, see in France, a ministry of environment so active as the EPA?…


I would want to finish this post on my conception of volunteering, that I consider as the expression of the esteem that we carry to all that surrounds ourselves. Beyond the humanitarian and heroic aspect, the volunteering is the most powerful symbol of LOVE:

clip_image001 the love for our next one;

clip_image001[1] the love that we devote to our Earth;

clip_image001[2] the love that we carry to LIFE…

Courage & Good Luck to all the Coast Guard, Voluntary, Workers and Scientifics that attempt the impossible one!!!… and for certain of them, to the peril of their life … We are of all our heart with you the Great GUYS !!!…

And considering the urgency situation, we will not reproach to these heroes… to forget US Mother’s Day, because they celebrates it already while protecting our Mother Earth…

U.S. Coast Guard on Flickr

U.S. Coast Guard Eighth District External Affairs on Flickr

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 3-02 on Flickr

Louisiana GOHESP on Flickr – The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness’ mission is to lead and support Louisiana and its Citizens

To Discover the Coastal Louisiana before the Oil Spill on Flickr

Usepagov – EPA’s Deepwater Horizon Response on Flickr

U.S. Department of the Interior on Flickr

Gulf Oil Spill – Greenpeace USA on Flickr

Disaster unfolds slowly in the Gulf of Mexico

Deepwater Horizon Response Story – Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Have a Great Week to come everyone…

Catégories :Environment
  1. connie
    11 Mai 2010 à 16 h 16 min

    Thanks Val. for these informations.take care…

  2. Valerie
    11 Mai 2010 à 19 h 17 min

    Hi Connie and to all,Thanks Connie to support this post…Have a Great and Blessing Evening everyone, Bye-Bye and see you!!!…Take Care…

  3. connie
    12 Mai 2010 à 15 h 02 min

    Hi Val… a great post and very informative,A great respect to all who are and were helping in this Oil spill desaster. For the protection of our Environment, for life, for the future generation, ….. thanks so much for the great work and sacrifices….

  4. Valerie
    12 Mai 2010 à 19 h 55 min

    Hi Connie and to all,Thanks a lot Connie for you wonderful comment!!!… Have a Happy and Blessing Evening everyone, Bye-Bye and hope that the second attempt to stop the oil flow will find a favorable exit in the stop of the flow of oil… Night to all,Take care…

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